There has never been a better time to learn how to grow your own food and develop the confidence you need to elevate your cooking at home. Grocery store prices are rising with no end in sight – with packaging getting smaller – , and restaurant check totals have gone parabolic over the past few years.

What if I told you that you can grow many of the ingredients you need to create dishes at home that rival or even surpass the flavors of restaurant fare? It’s possible for anyone regardless of age, experience, or past frustration, and you probably already have most of the tools you need.

We’ll go all over the world together using produce you didn’t even know you could grow here – we’re not stopping with how to make a caprese salad or stuffed peppers. We’ll discover the joy of gardening and cooking, congratulate one another on our successes, grow from our mistakes, and share some laughs along the way.

Marc Fencil
Richwood Gardens