From Soil to Sizzle: Grow and Cook with Confidence

Lodge Logic Cast Iron Grill Press

A finishing sear is of second importance only to the grill and meat’s starting temperature for grilling a perfect steak. It’s a popular misconception that searing meat seals in the juices, however the real result is the contrast in taste and texture between the crust and the interior that all the best steakhouses are known for.

This Logic cast iron press works equally well with charcoal and gas grills. It will even work on the stove top if you’re broiling a steak in the oven.

I set my press on the grill directly under the hottest point for at least 15 minutes before I throw on my steaks. Cast iron works best when it heats up slowly. If the press doesn’t sizzle when you place it on the steak, it’s not hot enough. On that note, you only want to apply enough pressure for the whole surface of the steak to make contact with the press; don’t push down so hard that you cause juices to run out. That is a sure way to dry out a steak.

Even with the “Cool-Grip” spiral handle, you’re not going to be able to touch it without a grill mitt or tongs if the press is as hot as it should be. Personally, I use tongs for everything from turning steaks, flipping the grill grate to add the hot charcoal, and even for this press.

As with all cast iron, never run it through the dishwasher. Use hot water and the least amount of soap you can to clean it to avoid damaging the seasoning. I always put my cast iron on a burner set on high heat for about 15 seconds to rapidly dry it before applying a thin coat of vegetable oil over all surfaces to prevent rust.